Just last week I was hit like a lightning bolt with the thought "Why haven't I shared Lorne Greene before?" Lorne Greene's "Have a Happy Holiday" was one of the four Christmas records we had when I was growing up, along with a Bing Crosby, Firestone Vol. 5, and a country music collection. I played Lorne Greene and Bing Crosby over and over.
I think there are two reasons why I haven't shared this yet. First, it has been shared before on other blogs, and I try not to duplicate efforts too often. So I just never moved it into the ripping queue.
Second, and maybe I knew this before and subsequently forgot, "A Christmas Cantata" on side 2 of the album has a significant scratch. A scratch that, despite my efforts, prevented me from ripping the whole album. Still, I wanted to share out my copy of this great record from 1965. So, I ripped all that I could (everything except "A Christmas Cantata"), cleaned the rips, removed the noise and prepped them to share. For the Cantata, I went to my archives and found the files I had downloaded a few years back, and included the Cantata from that share. So, thanks to the festive friend who shared this out previously. Although I don't recall the source, I want to give credit where credit is due.
So, it is with great pleasure that I bring you Lorne Greene's "Have a Happy Holiday". This is a terrific record. Lorne's strong baritone voice is perfect for the song selections and readings. His recital of "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" is especially good, and one of the reasons I loved this record in childhood. Lorne recites the poem with jingly cheer, much animation in his voice, and is accompanied by a Joe Reisman score.
I'm also very partial to "Christmas is A-Comin'", one of the four songs on the album (except for the ones that are part of the Cantata). It's a very nice rendition of a classic song, and once again Lorne shows his talent as an interpreter of the whimsical aspects of the piece.
This is one of my favorite a;bums. Please enjoy "Have a Happy Holiday", courtesy of Der Bingle and the unnamed contributor of "A Christmas Cantata", the final track on the record.
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Sorry folks! This is available now on CD, so have to remove the link.