Then, on to Side B.
I noticed that the listing on the record label didn't match the album list, but, stranger things have happened. Then, instead of organ music, there was a male tenor singing Christmas songs. Hmmm, interesting. And then came the end of the record. A little outro by Jack Benny! The singer, I then identified as Dennis Day.
Side B of this record is the same Side B as on the record "Dennis Day Sings Christmas for the Family", previously shared out by Ernie (link). Dennis Day is a fine singer, and Jack Benny's bits on the record are very amusing.
Interestingly enough, on the back of the Norman Roye record is a plug for "Christmas for the Family", with the advice "If this isn't in your Christmas album collection, we'd advise getting it now...". I guess they meant "Hey! Half of it IS in your Christmas record collection now - you just don't know it yet".
I don't know the story of the record, whether this was a mis-pressing in the factory, or a little joke by the label, or what, but it certainly was a surprise. A pleasant one, at that. If anyone does know any details, please share in the comments.
So, please enjoy Side A of Norman Roye and Side B of Dennis Day, plus outro by the great Jack Benny